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Houston Channel Letter Signs: Repair or Replace?

Posted by 4D Marketing on Nov 4, 2020

Houston Channel Letter Signs – 4D Signworx
If your Houston channel letter signs don’t look as good as they used to, you may need repairs or maintenance.

Houston channel letter signs are a durable, long-lasting signage option. These signs typically use aluminum, which makes them strong and able to stand up to the elements. The acrylic faces of your Houston channel letter signs are also quite long-lasting. However, every sign over time will start to show signs of age. When this happens, it can be difficult to know when to repair your Houston outdoor signs and when to replace them. Your signage technicians can recommend the best course of action after a thorough inspection. Fortunately, you can often repair channel letters to look almost brand new with the help of your signage experts.

My Houston Channel Letter Signs Are Looking Shabby, What Should I Do?

Just like any sign, your Houston channel letter signs may start to show signs of wear after many years of use. This is especially true if they haven’t been properly maintained. If you notice your signs looking a bit shabby, you may just need to give them a thorough cleaning. Dirty Houston channel letter signs can become hard to see and may even look as if the lights have been dimmed. However, after a good cleaning, many signs return to their former glory.

However, in other cases, you may need new acrylic faces. Faded or cracking channel letter faces are a sign it’s time to re-face your channel letters. Usually, the acrylic faces on your signs will last a good eight to ten years before they start to look worn and need replacement. Unfortunately, UV radiation from sun exposure and heat can speed up the deterioration of acrylic.

If the issue is with your channel letter faces, we can fabricate new ones to help your sign look good again. Refacing your Houston channel letter signs is a fairly simple and inexpensive process. First, we take the old faces off and bring them back to our shop. Then, we reproduce the shapes by tracing them on a new piece of acrylic. The acrylic can be the same color as before or a new color if you would like. Then, we cut out the shapes of your letters with a band saw and add a trim cap. The trim cap goes around the acrylic that allows us to fasten the face to your channel letter returns. Once your new letter faces are complete, we install them to give your Houston channel letter signs an instant facelift. Refacing can help restore shabby-looking channel letters to professional, attractive signs for your business.

What if My Houston Channel Letter Signs Are Malfunctioning?

While malfunctioning Houston channel letter signs can be frustrating, your signage experts can help you determine the root cause and how to best proceed. Your sign could just be overdue for maintenance or part replacement. For example, the power supplies for your channel letter Houston custom signs generally require maintenance every three to five years. Without this maintenance, you may notice issues with your sign’s illumination.

Flickering channel letters could be a sign that you need a signage professional to check your transformers. Many lighting issues in channel letters are due to corrosion and rust on the transformers. Often, this requires replacement parts or even a new transformer to resolve. Over time, the metal on your transformer may start to corrode if it’s exposed to weather, high temperatures, humidity, sunlight, and other conditions. This can be dangerous, so it’s important to have a professional check the transformer and replace it if necessary. If you do need channel letter transformer repair or replacement, then our technicians will work with you to find the most practical solutions. Once replaced, you may be able to help prevent this issue from reoccurring by using corrosion inhibitors and other products designed to protect the metals on your transformer.

When Should I Repair vs. Replace My Houston Outdoor Signs?

So, how do you know when you can repair channel letter signs and when they’re just on their last leg? Channel letter signs are highly durable, so more often than not you’re able to repair your signage. This is especially simple if your channel letters are wired individually, as you can replace each letter on its own if needed. If your Houston outdoor signs are on a raceway, you may need to repair or replace the entire raceway.

However, there are times when it’s best to replace your signs, rather than repair them. If it seems like your sign is limping along from repair to repair and you’re calling your signage pros frequently, it’s likely time to invest in a new sign. Additionally, signage technology is progressing at a rapid pace, so if your sign is quite outdated, you may want to upgrade for more effective marketing. For example, if you’re still using neon to illuminate your channel letters, then it may be time for an upgrade. Replacing your signs with LED-lit channel letters can save you on operating costs, which may be a more cost-effective option for your business.

In addition, if you’ve been planning to rebrand or update your branding, then you’ll want to replace your signs to match. Channel letters should match the fonts, logos, and brand colors that you use everywhere else. Therefore, if you’ve been thinking about rebranding and your signs are starting to act up, then it may be an opportune time to update your branding and design replacement Houston channel letter signs. This will help you create a cohesive image for your customers and can help encourage brand loyalty.

Our Signage Experts Are Here for You!

At 4D Signworx, we offer turnkey signage solutions. Our experts design, manufacture, install, remove, and maintain many types of signs, from channel letter signs to masonry signs. As a family-owned business in Houston, we offer high-quality signage solutions and guarantee complete satisfaction. We maintain a large manufacturing shop to help cut out the middle man. This helps us pass on savings to you, ensure signage quality, and also deliver quick completion times. Call us today at (713) 984-2010 to talk to one of our experts and request a free quote. We are here to serve you!

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