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Houston Custom Signs & Revenue Increases

Posted by 4D Marketing on Dec 21, 2020

Houston Custom Signs – 4D Signworx
Houston custom signs can help increase your profits.

Why invest in Houston custom signs? Studies show that they increase your sales and revenue. Your business signs work 24 hours a day, seven days a week to promote your business. Therefore, they’re the hardest working salesman you have. It’s no wonder that well-designed and placed signage can increase your bottom line. However, you may be curious about how much signage can increase your revenue. According to the Small Business Association, signs are the most effective form of advertising, and they’re also the least costly. You might be wondering if all signs are created equal for boosting sales. Learn more about how your Houston outdoor signage can help maximize your profits.

Legibility for Houston Custom Signs Improves Sales

Business signs help your business in several different ways. The main functions of your signs is to help people find your location and to help create awareness for your business. Therefore, even when consumers find out about your company through other channels, your signs help them locate your store.

In addition, many consumers judge your sign on how informative it is. Your signage should convey a message as quickly and clearly as possible. Part of this includes makings sure people can read and understand your sign. This also includes art and graphics on your Houston custom signs. If people can’t easily tell what your company’s name is or what your logo is supposed to be, it’s unlikely they will visit your location.

Therefore, Houston custom signs need to be legible to work for these purposes. Research shows that readability is the number one factor overall that leads to consumers trying a product or service. Therefore, legible Houston custom signs can help get more people in your door and boost your sales.

Design is Important for Your Houston Custom Signs

Design is a major factor in the success of your sign. In fact, businesses that use experienced design teams for their signage often increase in value faster than other companies in their industry. In addition to legibility for your Houston custom signs, a few other design-related factors that can influence the effectiveness of your sign are whether they’re enjoyable to look at, their uniqueness, their quality, and whether they’re appropriately scaled.

Why is signage design so important for your ROI? Your Houston custom signs are often the first impression people make with your business. How likely are you to visit somewhere with outdated or just plain unattractive signs? Do you expect a good experience when you visit companies with poorly designed signs? Sure, a gaudy, over-the-top sign may grab your attention, but it likely doesn’t convey the message you want to send to your potential customers, nor does it create trust between consumers and your brand.

Using Logos and Branding for Houston Outdoor Signage

While signage helps businesses of all kinds, certain signs and sign elements can work more effectively for certain businesses. For example, including logos in your Houston custom signs is often most useful for companies with multiple locations or who need to build brand recognition. In contrast, a specialty retail store may benefit more from communicating a value proposition in their Houston outdoor signage. Therefore, it’s important to decide what your signs need to do for your business and whether including a logo will be advantageous or whether it’s taking up space that you could use for something more compelling.

What Type of Sign is Right for Your Location?

So, what type of Houston custom signs will help increase your revenue? There’s no one-size-fits-all sign. Generally speaking, if your sign design is optimized for your business, you’ll need to make sure it’s as conspicuous as possible without looking too extreme. Remember, your signage should be appropriately scaled, yet completely visible. Businesses with highly visible signs are more likely to report increased sales. Therefore, you’ll need to find the right location and size for conspicuousness.

Here are some statistics that show the average visibility of different signs:

  • Pylon signs show an average 15.6% increase in sales
  • Monument signs can boost sales by 9.3%
  • Larger storefront signs, like Houston channel letter signs, can increase sales by an average of 7.7%

Types of Houston Custom Signs

Which type of sign you choose also may depend on your company’s location. For example, if your business is near a highway, then you may benefit from pylon signs that stand tall enough to catch highway drivers’ attention. However, if you’re based in a more residential area, then more strict height restrictions may apply. In these cases, you may benefit more from lit Houston channel letter signs, as they may draw more attention. Monument Houston custom signs are an effective and practical option for businesses that are hard to find. For example, if your building is located off the main street or hidden at the back of a big parking lot, monument signs use text, graphics, and architectural elements to draw attention to your business.

These are just a few examples of the different types of signage that may work best for your business, however there are many more to choose from. The best way to choose the perfect sign for your business is to work with signage experts. We can help you determine the best type of sign based on your location and also help you design an effective sign for your company.

We Specialize in Houston Custom Signs

At 4D Signworx, we provide signage design, fabrication, and installation for businesses in all industries. Our team works with you to find the options that suit your needs and budget to help you increase awareness and revenue for your company. We’ve been doing this since 1968 and have the expertise you need for your business. As a small, family-owned business, we know the unique challenges your company faces advertising in a competitive market. We’re here to help you succeed with the most effective and affordable signage. Call us today at (713) 984-2010 to talk to one of our signage professionals and request a quote. We are here to serve you!

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