4D Signworx News - Houston Sign Company - Commerical Signage

4D Signworx erects New Monument Signs in League City, TX

Written by Melanie Remy | Oct 26, 2017 2:54:14 PM

Our friends at the League City Council recently approved the construction and erection of multiple monument signs within the City. They wanted the job to be done right, so who did they call for the signage remodel? They contacted 4D Signworx, of course! We updated their previously underwhelming street signage with new, bright, easy to care for monument signs that are much more attractive and are more visible to travelers passing through the City. Each of these signs includes the City’s new logo.

Along with new monument signs (what is a monument sign?), we also updated the LED digital message board located across the street from the Helen Hall Library with a brand new marquee sign. Kristi Wyatt, League City’s Director of Communications, was pleased that their staff is currently being trained by our knowledgable staff on the marquee sign’s program and that important information will be posted on the marquee’s screen soon.

Check out League City’s website for more details concerning the work 4D Signworx completed for the City, and visit our website if you’re interested in upgrading your city’s signage!